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Equity and Inclusion

Commitment to Equity

We are committed to fostering a welcoming environment for all students at our schools. Children learn and grow in different ways and we know that some may need more care and resources. We believe that by creating supportive environments where all students feel a sense of belonging and safety, they can be their authentic selves and best excel in their learning

To be an engaged learner, a child must feel safe, included and valued. Research reveals that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create stronger and more creative environments that deliver growth, innovation and results. The Winnetka Public Schools aims to foster an equitable and inclusive school environment where students, staff and families feel safe and empowered to share their unique experiences and ideas. We strive to be an environment where a collective sense of belonging transcends differences and fosters a community unified in its commitment to excellence, innovation and social responsibility.


Resolution Condemning Hate and Affirming a Commitment to a Culture of Safety & Belonging

Welcome spelled out with balloons.

WHEREAS, The Winnetka Public Schools remains committed to providing both a work and learning environment for staff, students and community members that is safe, equitable and respectful of all; and

WHEREAS, The Winnetka Public Schools’ mission statement commits to honoring the whole child and fostering civic responsibility; and

WHEREAS, The Winnetka Public Schools’ vision statement commits to providing an inclusive environment for students to flourish, as well as supporting and challenging all learners to make a meaningful difference in the world; and

WHEREAS, The Winnetka Public Schools Board Policy 7:20 prohibits any conduct that harasses, intimidates, or bullies a student on the basis of actual or perceived classifications including race, color, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion; and

WHEREAS, The Winnetka Public Schools Board Policy 7:18 states that the District will not tolerate aggressive student behavior, including bullying or harassment of any kind; and

WHEREAS, the Winnetka Public Schools serves nearly 1,700 students and more than 350 staff that spend, on average 1,150 hours in a school building on an annual basis; and

WHEREAS, a safe, equitable and respectful environment is critical to providing the best possible opportunity to grow and achieve; and

WHEREAS, the Board, administration and staff have jointly implemented numerous programs, curricula, protocol and policy to support an environment that is safe, equitable and respectful of all members of our district community.           

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Superintendent and staff to update Parent/Student handbooks to include reference to the District’s condemnation of hate and affirmation of an ongoing commitment to a culture of safety and belonging; and           

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education condemns any and all forms of hate and discrimination; will work toward ensuring a school environment free from acts of hate; and

FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board directs the District’s Administration to promote inclusion and stand against acts of hate or discrimination with a clear, timely, actionable and sustainable plan to reduce instances of hate or discrimination.

Students holding onto one another

Board Policy

The Board of Education supports all Winnetka Public Schools’ staff, administration, students and families in working together to eliminate instances of hate or discrimination, and recognizes that this is done most effectively when the community jointly commits to providing environments that are safe and inclusive for all of its members.

Board Policy

Additional Information for Families

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