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Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework (MTSS)

Vision Statement

Winnetka School District 36’s vision for the implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework is to ensure that all students in the District are provided with high-quality, evidence-based, differentiated instruction within a multi-tiered, data-based system that ensures students’ academic and social-emotional needs are not only met but promote growth for all students.

Multi-Tiered System of Support Definition and Purpose

MTSS is a systemic, prevention-focused, data-informed framework for continuous improvement, providing a continuum of behavioral, social/ emotional, and academic support for ALL learners.


MTSS formerly Response to Intervention (RtI) is a mandate built on the idea of intervening early to prevent failure and to maximize the effectiveness of grade-level curriculum and instruction.  It is not an initiative or program, but rather a framework for providing high-quality curriculum and instruction to all students and intervention to support some students. 

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015), the December 2015 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, 2001), and the reauthorized “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” (IDEA) of 2004 share a common goal for improved student outcomes which measure school accountability.  Furthermore, ESSA calls for the responsibility to ensure that every child has educational opportunities, preparation for college and career, high expectations, access to the arts and humanities, support for building social and emotional skills, fair access to resources, and access to high-quality curriculum and instruction, to name a few.  According to the legislation, “opportunity is not optional,” and we believe that implementing MTSS, and all included components with fidelity, will foster adherence to this bill.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) require the use of evidence-based practices to ensure that all students receive appropriate instruction as well as a requirement for determining eligibility for special education.  Therefore, applying the principles of MTSS, and problem-solving (PS) to all school-wide academic and behavioral efforts is necessary and worthwhile.

MTSS is:

  • A seamless system of prevention, intervention, and ongoing academic and behavioral support for ALL students
  • A process designed to maximize all student achievement for continuous improvement planning
  • Proactively focused on student outcomes
  • About monitoring student progress and data-based decision-making with fluid movement within the multi-tiered system
  • A framework for implementing overall school improvement


  • A particular curriculum or program but rather a comprehensive framework that incorporates evidence-based curricula, programs, strategies, and supports tailored to meet the needs of students at each tier of support
  • A “hoop to jump through” to receive or delay special education services
  • A stand-alone practice but rather an instructional delivery system in which other education initiatives are embedded

Components of MTSS

In Winnetka, we believe that these ten essential components of MTSS play an integral role in our students’ development and ability to embody the Portrait of a Graduate upon their graduation from eighth grade.

  • Professional Learning Communities 

  • Differentiation

  • Response to Intervention (School-wide, proactive, multi-level instructional system to promote student success)

  • Online Management

  • Data-Based Decision Making

  • Social Emotional Learning

  • Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring

  • Evidence-based Core Instruction for All

  • Professional Development

  • Family Engagement

D36 MTSS Framework Visual LINK PDF

Tiers of Support

Tier 1:

Core Instruction and Differentiation that is aligned with grade-level standards and delivered through grade-level curriculum. Everyone gets this! It should result in growth for at least 80% of students. Progress in this area is monitored through formative and summative assessments aligned with the curriculum. Instruction is delivered during designated class times when all students are present.

Tier 1.5:

When over 50% of students in a class are shown to be at risk on a universal screener, Tier 1.5 functions as both an intervention and a second screening gate.  It allows for more accurate screening decisions about which students need intensified instruction at Tiers 2 or 3.   All students in classes where more than 50% of the class were found to be at risk on universal benchmark screening, diagnostic assessment, or formative data receive this instruction tier. Their progress is monitored as part of the intervention to show mastery of skills and identify those students still not making progress. Instruction is delivered for at least 15 minutes per day when all students are present.

Tier 2:

Targeted support to close gaps in universal skills delivered using evidence-based programs and methods. Instruction is delivered during WIN (K-6), X-block (7-8), or other times during the day outside of core instructional time. Students who are identified by universal screening, diagnostic assessments, and formative data receive this instruction and their progress is monitored every 1-4 weeks using a tool such as Aimsweb, mClass, or Easy-CBM that has multiple forms assessing the same targeted skill.

Tier 3:

Intensive support to close gaps in universal skills delivered using evidence-based instruction. Students who are identified by universal screening, diagnostic, and formative assessments and show a need for additional intensive support in targeted areas. Their progress is monitored every 1-2 weeks using a tool such as Aimsweb, mClass, or Easy-CBM which has multiple forms assessing the same targeted skill.

Special Education:

Students who have been identified as needing an Individualized Education Plan will receive the services and support needed to meet the goals outlined in their plan. (Link to Student Services, Equity, & Inclusion)


Students can be accelerated in single subjects or grade levels.  Accelerated students will have gone through the district's acceleration process and have a plan in place. (Link to Acceleration landing page)