Building Security/Prevention
All District 36 exterior doors are closed and locked during the school day. Visitors must enter through the main entrance at each school. School staff can speak to and view the visitor to determine their reason for entering before admitting them to the school. Once granted access to the building, visitors must report to the school office through the secured vestibule to sign in and get a visitor’s badge and lanyard. All visitors should bring an ID with them. So that our staff can monitor each individual visitor, we ask that visitors not hold the door for others.
The crisis plan is reviewed with all District 36 employees before students return to school. Every school in Illinois is required by the Illinois School Safety Drill Act to conduct three fire drills, one bus evacuation drill, one tornado drill, and one lockdown drill. Police and fire officials attend our drills when possible, offering support and preparing themselves in case of a crisis. Schools will notify parents ahead of time of any upcoming lockdown drills. District 36 has implemented “Safety Month” when the majority of our drills will take place.